Main Aims of Developing HTML5

Inline HTML Text Element

An example of an inline element is strong, which is used to bold text.

Semantic HTML Markup

Semantic HTML markup is the use of HTML tags to convey the meaning of the information on web pages. It's important because it helps with SEO, accessibility, and maintainability of the code.

Examples of <p> and <div> Elements


element represents a paragraph.

element is a container that can hold other HTML elements.

Examples of <aside> and <picture> Elements

Example image

Examples of <figure> and <img> Elements

Example figure
This is a caption for the figure.

Examples of <sub> and <sup> Elements

Water is H2O and E=mc2.

Examples of <main>, <section>, and <article> Elements

Article Title

This is an article, which is a self-contained composition.

Examples of Different List Elements

  1. Ordered list item
Description Term
Description Data

Examples of Different Anchor Elements

Absolute hyperlink Relative hyperlink Email hyperlink

Examples of Meter and Progress Elements

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Examples of Data List Control, Slider Control, Calendar Control